Did Santa Eat All Those Cookies (or does he have a secret)? book by Joanne SandlinNov. 9 Book Signing with Joanne Sandlin

On Saturday, November 9, local author Joanne Sandlin will be signing her children’s book Did Santa Eat All Those Cookies (or does he have a secret)? from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

When you buy one of her books, she’ll sign it and give you a special homemade Christmas Cookie!

About the Book

This heartwarming story combines generation spanning traditions with a modern twist as Santa uses a GPS and tablet (that he calls a thingamajig) for his Christmas Eve rounds. He creatively devises a secret way to thank Mrs. Claus and the elves for both of them.

It answers the question of what he does with all those cookies he collects. The story ends with child-friendly recipes and kitchen safety hints. In the spirit of the season, the reader is invited to bake and share cookies with someone special in their life.

It includes teaching moments with math, measuring, and nutrition while making memories and creating new traditions.

For ages 3-9.